
  • RECOM Initiative !Voice 11/2012

    Member of the European Parliament Jelko Kacin said he believed that now was the right moment to put extra effort into the establishment of RECOM. “The process of reconciliation is imperative. Regardless of how the work of the Hague Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia is perceived, it is indisputable that regional... Read More

  • Corridor of Justice for civilian war victims

    Platforma 112 – Za Hrvatsku vladavine prava povodom 10. prosinca – Međunarodnog dana ljudskih prava želi još jednom potaknuti javnost i odgovorne u institucijama Republike Hrvatske na potrebu davanja zajedničkog doprinosa u prihvaćanju činjenica o ratnim... Read More

  • Human Rights House Zagreb Open Doors Day

    Povodom Međunarodnog dana ljudskih prava Kuća ljudskih prava Zagreb (Selska cesta 112c) otvara svoja vrata za zainteresirane građanke i građane u ponedjeljak, 10. prosinca.  U programu sudjeluje i Documenta, a detaljnije informacije možete pronaći na... Read More

  • Corridor of Justice for civilian war victims

    We invite You to the press conference which will be held this Monday, December 10th 2012, in front of the seat of the Croatian State Attorney's Office, Gajeva 30 a, starting at 10:15 h. Javnom akcijom kojom obilježavamo Dan ljudskih prava želimo se prisjetiti civilnih žrtava rata, podržati njihove obitelji te... Read More