Dealing with the Past

Dealing with the Past encompasses a wide range of activi­ties which address past human rights abuses of serious nature and, in some cases, also root causes of wars and conflicts. Wars which have been conducted on the territory of our and neighbouring countries caused painful wounds and tremendous losses. This fact provides an insight about the values of truth, establishing facts, and delivering the justice as a ground for building the future.

Dealing with the Past encourages human approach with the victims’ restitution and relief of injured people, endangered groups and society as a whole as its lodestar.

Dealing with the Past, at the institutional level is also known as transitional justice – a process that, after a war conflict aims to establish democracy, peace building process and attain the justice.

At the heart of the re-building war affected societies and promoting lasting peace in Croatia and the region, Documenta has contributed to the development of many important processes. Since 2004, it has been committed to activities concerning Dealing with the Past based on principles of the right to know, the right to justice, the right to reparation, and the guarantee of non-recurrence.

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