
  • Croatians Protest Against Church Honouring War Criminal

    The protesters lined up outside the cathedral on Monday evening, each carrying a placard bearing the name of one of the victims of a 1993 massacre in Ahmici in central Bosnia, for which Kordic was jailed for 25 years by the Hague Tribunal. They staged the protest after Read More

  • Zločin u Gruborima / Objava presude

    Objava presude u kaznenom postupku protiv optuženih Frane Drlje i Bože Krajine, te do trenutka konstatiranja smrti, Igora Benete, bivših specijalaca Antiterorističke jedinice Lučko, a zbog kaznenog djela ratnog zločina počinjenog 25. kolovoza 1995. u... Read More

  • Howard Clark dialogue / Invitation

    Dear colleagues, dear friends, we cordially invite you to the first Howard Clark dialogue on the topic of international solidarity Wednesday, 4 June 2014, at 10.00 h in the Human Rights House, Selska cesta 112c, Zagreb, Croatia. Speakers: Christine Schweitzer, Der Bund... Read More