Howard Clark dialogue / Invitation


Howard Clark dialogue / Invitation

Dear colleagues, dear friends, we cordially invite you to the first Howard Clark dialogue on the topic of international solidarity Wednesday, 4 June 2014, at 10.00 h in the Human Rights House, Selska cesta 112c, Zagreb, Croatia.


Christine Schweitzer, Der Bund für Soziale Verteidigung / War Resisters International

Pete Haemmerle, Versöhnungsbund / International Fellowship of Reconciliation

Ela Naranđa, Centre for Peace Studies

Vesna Teršelič, Documenta


At a time when Europe is increasingly inclining towards exclusivity, which was demonstrated by the recent elections, it is especially important to think about international solidarity. The dialogue will be addressed by peace activists. Christine Schweitzer and Pete Haemmerle have been collaborating with peace initiatives in Croatia and other post-Yugoslav countries since 1991. For many years they supported the Balkan Peace Team. Vesna Teršelič and Ela Naranđa with their colleagues strive to affirm non-violence, human rights, tolerance and respect through confidence-building.

Livestream link:




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