
  • Workshop "Conflict Textiles” - Invitation

    Dear colleagues, I am pleased to invite you to a workshop titled "Conflict Textiles”, where curator Roberta Bačić will present a collection in which the first arpilleras were made by women while searching for their family members, during the dictatorship of Pinochet in Chile. The workshop will... Read More

  • Anniversary of crime in Ahmići

    We remember the murdered civilians in Ahmići, among whom the youngest baby had only three months and we regret that another sad year is going by without addressing of the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. We call for representatives of the Croatian Bishops' Conference and the Iusticia et Pax... Read More

  • Commemoration in Jasenovac, April 12th 2019

    A commemoration for the victims of the WWII Ustasha concentration camp of Jasenovac was held in Jasenovac on April 12, 2019., organized by minority and anti-fascist associations for the fourth year in a row, without government representatives. The head of the Coordinating Committee of Jewish Communities in... Read More

  • In memoriam – Hrvoje Polan

    U (pre)kratko vrijeme svog života uhvatio si u svoje fotografije lica rata i poraća, pripremivši za oproštajni dar 'Iza sedam logora' kao mučni pomen na kulturu smrti, tu pored nas, suočavajući nas s našim najgorim stranama. Iz svog velebitskog skloništa slao si fotografije neizrecive ljepote... Read More