Commemoration in Jasenovac, April 12th 2019


Commemoration in Jasenovac, April 12th 2019

A commemoration for the victims of the WWII Ustasha concentration camp of Jasenovac was held in Jasenovac on April 12, 2019., organized by minority and anti-fascist associations for the fourth year in a row, without government representatives. The head of the Coordinating Committee of Jewish Communities in Croatia and representative of the organizer, Ognjen Kraus warned Croatian government that the revision of history in Croatia continues. He said that due to inaction of state institutions the extreme right is becoming more aggressive and there is increased number of pro-Ustasha public events and public speech, while Croatian government does not react properly. Kraus has therefore called on the government to stop such tendencies and respect the Croatian laws.

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović also spoke at the commemoration and said that Jasenovac concentration camp should be a historical lesson for everyone. She condemned the relativization of Jasenovac crimes by certain Croatian political figures, once again stressing that there should be no place for historic revisionism in today's Europe.

The commemoration was organized by Coordination of Jewish Municipalities of Croatia, Association of Anti-Fascist Fighters and Antifascist of RoC, Serb National Council, Kali Sara Croatian Romani Union.


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