„Venues of Victims // Venues of Perpetrators“ - Jasenovac, Vukovar, Pula


 „Venues of Victims // Venues of Perpetrators“  -  Jasenovac, Vukovar, Pula

Already six intensive days are behind the young people participating this year in the international summer camp “Venues of victims / / Venues of perpetrators. Mapping, decoding & processing the role of historical – civic education in (European) Youth Work“. Especially impressive was the one day visit in the former concentration camp of Jasenovac. Thanks to the work of our youth leaders and the pedagogical staff on the spot the visit was properly prepared and followed-up. Dealing with the youngest experiences of violence in the region was part of the visit of Vukovar. Central questions have been amongst others: why and how are testimonies of injustice and violence made visible and recognized today (or not)?

Since yesterday the group is in Pula and will deal with the (juridical) processing of the war 1991 – 1995 by visiting of „SENSE Agency / SENSE Center for Transitional Justice“.

Photos: Theresa Rhode, Markus Rebitschek



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