TARGETING MONUMENTS - Targeting history and memory / SARAJEVO


TARGETING MONUMENTS - Targeting history and memory / SARAJEVO

SENSE – Center for Transitional Justice and the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina cordially invite you to join us at the exhibition Targeting monuments – Targeting history and memory on Friday, June 23, 2017 at the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at 7 PM, Zmaja od Bosne street 5, Sarajevo.

Carmel Agius, president of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), will open the exhibition, and Mirko Klarin, director of the SENSE – Center for Transitional Justice Pula, Elma Hašimbegović, director of the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Branka Benčić, curator of the exhibition, will address an audience.

The exhibition is open until August 31, 2017.


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