“Targeting History and Memory” / Reports from all the events


“Targeting History and Memory” / Reports from all the events

During 2016, 2017, and 2018, thanks to the support from the European Union under the programme Europe for Citizens, activities for the project “Targeting History and Memory” were carried out, based on the interactive narrative Targeting History and Memory.

At the end of 2016, the interactive narrative “Targeting History and Memory,” by Sense – Centre for Transitional Justice, was presented in several cities in countries of the former Yugoslavia.

This was followed by the exhibition “Targeting Monuments – Targeting History and Memory,” which was held in Zagreb (Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Belgrade (Centre for Cultural Decontamination), Sarajevo (Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina), Pula (SENSE – Centre for Transitional Justice), and The Hague (Atrium of the City Hall). The exhibitions in Sarajevo and The Hague were opened by Judge Carmel Agius, the President of the ICTY, and the one in Pula by Serge Brammertz, the Chief Prosecutor of the ICTY and the UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, with participation of war crime prosecutors from Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The aforementioned EU programme enabled us to connect the exhibition with a study trip (Sarajevo – Mostar – Dubrovnik), as well as a regional seminar for high-school history teachers from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia.

Here you can find the reports from all the events withing the framework of the project “Targeting History and Memory” with accompanying links in English and Croatian.

April 4, 2018 / EXHIBITION „TARGETING MONUMENTS“ OPENS IN THE HAGUE / The exhibition displaying the destruction of cultural heritage in the former Yugoslavia opens in The City Hall. It is ''an excellent example of how the legacy of the ICTY must and will remain relevant and impactful well beyond the closure of the Tribunal,” said Judge Carmel Agius




On Saturday, October 14, 2017 at the SENSE Centre in Pula (3 Dante Square) at 9 AM the international conference Destroying Cultural Heritage, Post-War Reconstruction, and Trust Building began. Its goal was to analise what has been done in the last two decades and what has been learnt about the importance of cultural and religious heritage in war conflicts, and which challenges still remain regarding the reconstruction of cultural heritage, post-war peace-building,  and the problems of divided societies in the region of South-East Europe.



SENSE documentation center will be a unique place where the events that took place in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s will be shown through the history of the trials before the ICTY, and SENSE's audio-visual archive about the work of the Tribunal will "tell a story" about the events that shaped the history of the former Yugoslavia, said the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Serge Brammertz at the opening of the SENSE – Center for Transitional Justice in Pula. On the same occasion, the exhibition called Targeting Monuments was opened at the Centre's premises. The exhibition is based on the interactive narrative Targeting history and memory, produced by SENSE Centre. The narrative elaborates how crimes against cultural, historical, and religious heritage, committed during the wars in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo in the 1990s, were investigated, reconstructed, and prosecuted at the ICTY.


June 23 – 27, 2017 / Regional seminar for educators / Study trip Sarajevo – Mostar – Dubrovnik / The educational cycle on the topic of targeting cultural heritage and destroying religious and cultural objects during war conflicts represents a significant part of the “Targeting History and Memory” project. The programme was carried out in cooperation with EUROCLIO, the European Association of History Educators, and it was made of three units: professional and expert guidance at the exhibition “Targeting Monuments – Targeting History and Memory” in Sarajevo, the regional seminar that was held at the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the 24th and 25th of June 2017, and the study trip that started on June 25th in Sarajevo and which also included Mostar and Dubrovnik.


June 23, 2017 / TARGETING MONUMENTS: EXHIBITION OPENS IN SARAJEVO / Judge Carmel Agius, president of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, opened the exhibition Targeting Monuments - Targeting History and Memory at the Historical Museum in Sarajevo. The exhibition deals with the destruction of cultural heritage in the wars in BiH, Croatia, and Kosovo 


May 27, 2017 / "TARGETING MONUMENTS" IN BELGRADE / After Zagreb, Targeting Monuments, the exhibition chronicling the destruction of historical, cultural and religious heritage, has arrived in Belgrade. There was not an empty seat in the Center for Cultural Decontamination pavilion in Belgrade, the venue now hosting the exhibition entitled Targeting Monuments. The exhibition, previously staged in the Gliptoteka gallery in Zagreb, was presented to the audience by the authors. It is based on Targeting History and Memory, an interactive narrative available online on the SENSE agency website.



April 20, 2017 TARGETING MONUMENTS IN ZAGREB / Zagreb is the first city to host the exhibition on the destruction of historical, cultural, and religious monuments in the wars in the former Yugoslavia. The exhibition, based on the interactive narrative, Targeting History and Memory, will later be shown in other cities.


December 19, 2016 / NARRATIVE TARGETING HISTORY AND MEMORY PRESENTED IN KOSOVO / After Sarajevo, Zagreb, Belgrade and Podgorica, the interactive narrative Targeting History and Memory was presented last week in Kosovo in two events, in Priština and in the Visoki Dečani monastery.


December 4, 2016 / TARGETING HISTORY AND MEMORY IN BELGRADE AND PODGORICA / The latest interactive narrative produced by the SENSE Center for Transitional Justice premiered last week in Belgrade, in association with the Humanitarian Law Center, and in Podgorica, in association with the Civic Education Center. The narrative deals with the destruction of cultural heritage in the wars in Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo.


November 18, 2016 / NARRATIVE ON DESTRUCTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE PRESENTED, Zagreb, Sarajevo / The interactive narrative Targeting History and Memory was presented last week in the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo and the Mimara Museum in Zagreb. The narrative was produced by SENSE-Centre for Transitional Justice.


Vesna Teršelič, Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past

Mirko Klarin, SENSE – Centre for Transitional Justice

Please find attached the report with information on all activities of the project „Targeting History and Memory“.





Report „Targeting History and Memory“


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