Round table "Sexual violence in war"


Round table

The United Nations in Croatia and the City of Vukovar, supported by the Croatian president, organize a roundtable discussion on Sexual Violence in War, which will be held on Tuesday, April, 03 2012 in Vukovar.

This event aim to recognize and understand the needs of suffering women who were raped during the war 1991 to 1995, and open discussion on how to Croatia and other countries can prosecute perpetrators of sexual violence committed during the war and to provide adequate support to victims.

Special emphasis will be placed on the personal testimonies of Croatian women survivors of sexual violence in war. Representatives of associations of victims and the Croatian state institutions will discuss whether the needs of victims for justice and support are met.

Confirmed participants include Minister of Veterans Predrag Matić Fred, Deputy Minister of Justice Sandra Artuković Kunst, Deputy Minister of Health Luka Vončina, County Prosecutor in Osijek Davor Petričević, president of victims' organization Women in the War Marija Slišković, who collected and published testimonies of rape victims, director of Documenta Vesna Teršelič and Marijana Senjak, a psychologist who has worked extensively with victims who have survived sexual violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As a special guest at the event is Eve Ensler, American playwright and Tony Award winner and author of The Vagina Monologues, the play which promotes awareness about violence against women. A prominent activist in the struggle for gender equality, Ms. Ensler has worked extensively with victims of rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Discussion will be moderated Zrinka Vrabec Mojzeš, former journalist and now the advisor of the Croatian President for Social Affairs. Coordinator of the United Nations and Permanent Representative of the United Nations Development Louisa Vinton will open the event.

The formal beginning of the discussion is scheduled at 17:00h, and participants are invited to join in the 16:00h for screening of the documentary film Sexual violence and the triumph of Justice produced by International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), which represents progress in the efforts of the prosecution of sexual violence in war times as war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Tags: documenta war crime sexual violence rape victims impunity justice

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