Press briefing by Croatian CSOs on Friday, June 28th, at 12:00 AM


Press briefing by Croatian CSOs on Friday, June 28th, at 12:00 AM

Since the date of Croatia’s formal entry to the EU seems to be attracting quite some international attention, we’ve decided to organize an event for the purpose of journalists visiting Croatia at this time.

Stemming from the monitoring activities during the negotiations period when we created our shadow reports on Croatia’s progress (Joint Opinions on Chapter 23), we built a coalition Platform 112, consisting of 73 Croatian civil society organizations dealing with human rights protection, democratisation, peace-building, fight against corruption and protection of public resources.

We actively monitor how the Government is implementing our 112 requests defined as priorities and specific measures for Croatia in which the rule of law would provide the basis for individual, institutional and political action.

If you or your colleagues would be able and willing to talk with us in regard to these issues, we will organize a briefing for foreign journalists on Friday, June 28th 2013. at 12:00 AM in Zagreb, Selska cesta 112a in the Human Rights House.

Following a press-conference in Croatian language an hour earlier, the speakers will include Ms Vesna Teršelič from Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past, Ms Sandra Benčić from Centre for Peace Studies and Ms Marina Škrabalo from GONG.

Platform 112



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