
  • Bučje Camp - twentieth anniversary of exchange of prisoners

    On January 16, 1991 at Gavrinica in Pakrac last prisoners from  Bučje camp were exchanged. By this act the suffering and the suffering in the notorious complex came to an end. 20 years after an exchange of prisoners and the liberation of the camp Bučje, we want to warn the public about the slowness of... Read More

  • "The situation in which the Catholic Church is not a word of rebuke for the church dignitaries who give deeply immoral and a strong political statement involved, for example, "that war criminals are in their hearts" (M. Barisic) or "the individualization of guilt devil's work" (M. Bogović),... Read More

  • Voice of the RECOM Initiative

    What exactly is the goal of RECOM? What happens with the Initiative for RECOM? What they think about the Initiative victims of serious human rights violations? Finding answers to these and similar questions is the task of "Voice of the Initiative for RECOM." "Voice of the Initiative for... Read More

  • Aktivisti i aktivistice predali Platformu 112

    Danas je 70 aktivista i aktivistkinja Platforme 112, koalicije za vladavinu prava koju čini 57 nevladinih udruga, poslalo poruku na Markovom trgu povodom konstituirajuće sjednice novog saziva Hrvatskog sabora. Aktivisti su zastupnicima/cama dijelili 112 zahtjeva Platforme 112, čijim ispunjenjem bi... Read More