
  • Open letter to the Ministry of War Veterans

    Open letter to the Ministry of War Veterans and the Government of Republic of Croatia regarding the announcement to adopt a Law on victims of war crimes committed by rape We appeal to the Ministry of War Veterans and other responsible institutions to seriously, systematically, and comprehensively approach... Read More

  • Accessibility to Justice for Wartime Rape Victims

    U Republici Hrvatskoj odvijaju se suđenja za ratne zločine počinjene u ratu u 1990 - ima. U posljednjih nekoliko godina suđenja su uznapredovala u kvaliteti, zakonski okvir je prilagođen nešto višim standardima, a sva su suđenja prebačena na četiri velika županijska suda (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka,... Read More

  • Documentary Series "Documenta Memoriae"

    Historical interpretation of crimes which marked the 20th century, as well as sites of memory and commemorations related to them, have often been subject to political manipulations and have served as an excuse for new cycles of violence. For this reason, we have been organizing a series of educational study visits,... Read More