Murder in Budačka Rijeka

Reopened trial against Mile Dakić for a criminal offence referred to in Article 34, paragraph 2, item 5 of the Criminal Law Act of the Republic of Croatia (KZRH), in conjunction with Article 21- instigating to murder.


Mile Dakić, previously sentenced in absentia to 20 years because of instigating another person(s) to commit a murder of Croatian policemen Mile Butina, Josip Milčić and Zlatko Škrlec and to the wounding of Nikola Rakocija, committed on 4 August 1991.

Mile Dakić was arrested on 26 May 2011 on the basis of the international arrest warrant in BiH. He was extradited to Croatia on 10 August 2011. Later on, reopening of the trial was approved in his case.


Karlovac County Court

Case file number: K-33/2011

Court War Crimes Council: judge Ante Ujević, Council President, judge Mladen Kosijer, Council Member, lay judges Jasna Požar, Ivan Brozović and Ivan Gradišar, Council Members

Indictment: no. Kt-12/97 issued by Karlovac ŽDO on 17 June 1999

Prosecution is represented by: Mladen Krajačić and Gordana Križanić, Karlovac County State Attorney Deputies

Criminal offence: abetting to murder (Article 34, paragraph 2, item 5 of the KZRH, in conjunction with Article 21)

Defendant: Mile Dakić, previously sentenced to 20 years in prison, extradited from BiH

Defence: Ljubiša Drageljević, lawyer from Rijeka and Nenad Mamula, lawyer practicing in Karlovac

- killed:
 Mile Butina, Josip Milčić and Zlatko Škrlec 
- sustained serious physical injuries: Nikola Rakocija

Ubojstvo u Budačkoj Rijeci - Izvještaji sa suđenja


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