Kosovo 1998-1999.


Kosovo 1998-1999.

We are pleased to invite you to the opening of the multimedia exhibition of Sense - Centre for Transitional Justice

Kosovo 1998-1999. How the Crimes in Kosovo Were Investigated, Reconstructed and Prosecuted http://kosovo.sense-agency.com, with the exhibition of photographs by war photographer Wade Godard.

The exhibition opens on Friday, February 23rd at 6.30 PM at Croatian Journalists’ Association (HND), Perkovčeva 2, Zagreb, with opening speeches by organisers and guests. The speeches will be given by Azem Vllasi (politician and lawyer), Mirko Klarin (Sense – Centre for Transitional Justice), Dea Dedi (Humanitarian Law Centre Pristina) and Vesna Teršelič (Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past).

Exhibition is opened every working day from 10 AM till 4 PM, and also on Saturday from 10 AM to 1 PM until Friday, March 2nd. It is possible to organize a guided tour. Exhibition can be accessed in integral form at: http://kosovo.sense-agency.com/

The formal opening will be preceded by a round table on the Kosovo war and its aftermath, on the occasion of tenth anniversary of Kosovo independence. The speakers are Azem Vllasi and Jerko Bakotin.

The round table starts at 5.00 PM at HND’s Small Hall.

Please note: simultaneous translation is ensured for the 18.30 opening.


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