JUSTICE AFTER THE HAGUE, ZAGREB, Journalists’ Building, October 9-10, 2018


JUSTICE AFTER THE HAGUE, ZAGREB, Journalists’ Building, October 9-10, 2018

JUSTICE AFTER THE HAGUE, ZAGREB, Journalists’ Building, October 9-10, 2018

The achievements and difficulties in processing war crimes as well as the continuation of criminal prosecution in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia after the closing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) will be the topic of the international conference:


The conference will be held October 9-10 in Zagreb at the Journalists’ Building (Perkovčeva 2).

Alongside war crime prosecutors from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia, one of the guest speakers at the conference will be Mr. Serge Brammertz, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals and the former Chief Prosecutor of the ICTY.

Apart from war crime prosecutors, attorneys, judges, experts, and activists who will discuss the challenges of regional cooperation in processing war crimes, another aim of the conference is to analyse current practices of using court determined facts in journalism, science, and education, and to suggest opportunities for improvement.

Some of the guests speakers include: Milorad Pupovac, Dejan Jović, Mirko Klarin, Marina Kljajić, Sandra Orlović, Refik Hodžić, Nemanja Stjepanović, Ivica Đikić, Klaus Bachmann, Diane Orentlicher, Jelena Diković, Marko Šuica, Hrvoje Klasić, Zlata Đurđević, Jasna Pašić, Mirjana Oklobdžija, Zoran Pusić, Vesna Teršelič, Saša Milošević, Slaven Rašković, Nikola Barović, ...

The conference JUSTICE AFTER THE HAGUE is being organised by the Serb National Council Zagreb, Council of the Serb National Minority for the City of Zagreb, Documenta - Centre for Dealing with the Past Zagreb and SENSE - Centre for Transitional Justice Pula.

Pravda nakon Haaga / Program HR

Justice after The Hague / Programme


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