Report on monitoring War Crime Trials in Croatia for 2017

The legal team of Documenta – Centre for dealing with the past (further on Documenta), Center for peace, nonviolence and human rights from Osijek (further on Center for peace) and Youth initiative for human rights Croatia (YIHR), monitored hearings in 23 criminal proceedings for war crimes trials at the four county courts in Croatia, as well as 12 public sessions in appeals before the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia.
The report on war crimes trials in Croatia provides an overview and key findings of all first instant verdicts as well as finished cases, which are of importance to the public. For the full insight in the course of the individual proceedings and their findings, the previous annual trial reports are also relevant. The report focuses on the work of prosecutors and specialized courts, the analysis of the indictments and verdicts in individual cases, critical observation of the judiciary, and offers conclusions and recommendations.

This report was realized within the Justice programme of EU, and co-financed by Office for cooperation with NGO-s of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and City of Zagreb. The content of the report is the sole responsibility of the publisher and under no circumstances can it be considered to reflect the attitude of the European Union, the Office for cooperation with NGO-s of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the City of Zagreb


Sažetak Izvještaja

Summary of the Report


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