Invitation to the Conference on the occasion of the European Day for Victims of Crime 22 February 2018 Novinarski dom, Zagreb, Perkovčeva 2 11:00 – 14:00


Invitation to the Conference on the occasion of the European Day for Victims of Crime 22 February 2018 Novinarski dom, Zagreb, Perkovčeva 2 11:00 – 14:00

Documenta – Centre for dealing with the past, Center for peace, nonviolence and human rights from Osijek,  White Circle of Croatia from Split and Victim and Witness Support Service from Vukovar are organizing a Conference on the occasion of the European Day for Victims of Crime which will take place on 22 February 2018, at the Novinarski dom, Zagreb, Perkovčeva 2, starting at 11:00 a.m.

With this Conference we want to emphasize the importance of this topic in process of developing the criminal justice system in the Republic of Croatia and promoting the rights of victims of criminal offenses.

The main objective of the Conference is to remind the public of the full range of fundamental rights of victims of crime (the right to be treated with respect; the right that the police, state attorneys and judges be appropriately trained to work with victims and to provide victims with understandable information on their rights; the right to be provided with support in all EU Member States; the right to take part in the proceedings if they choose to do so and to be assisted in participating in the trial; the right for vulnerable victims such as children, rape victims or victims with disability to be identified and adequately protected; the right to be protected during police investigations and court proceedings), as well as to further develop trust in the judicial system.

Along with the addressing of speakers - experts in working with victims of crimes, the Conference will present the preliminary results of the research on the needs of victims of crime, as well as the Guide for the victims of crime which intention is to inform victims about their rights, as well as the procedure for exercising these rights, in an easy-to-understand manner.

Simultaneous interpretation of the Conference into English will be provided, and for those who will not be able to attend the Conference, livestream will be secured on Documenta's Facebook page.

Program konferencije

Programme of the Conference


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