Crime in Ravno Rašće

In the repeated procedure before the Sisak County Court, the War Crimes Council on 26 September 2007 sentenced the defendant Dragan Đokić to 12 (twelve) years in prison due to a war crime against civilians referred to in Article 120, paragraph 1 of the Basic Criminal Law of the RoC (hereinafter: the OKZ RH).

The Supreme Court of the RoC (public session held on 30 January 2008) upheld the verdict of the War Crimes Council of the Sisak County Court.

Previous course of the procedure:

Pursuant to the indictment No. K-DO-43/04 issued by the Sisak County State's Attorney's Office on 8 November 2005, the first instance procedure was conducted before the Sisak County Court and completed on 29 June 2006. The War Crimes Council passed a verdict in which Dragan Đokić was found guilty as charged by the indictment and received a non-final prison sentence in the duration of 12 years.

The Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia established an absolutely essential violation of the criminal procedure provisions and passed a ruling No. I KŽ 897/06-6 which reversed the case to the first instance court for a re-trial.

In the repeated procedure, as stated above, the defendant was again sentenced to 12 years in prison and the Supreme Court of the RoC upheld this verdict.


The defendant Dragan Đokić a.k.a. "Popizdeo", citizen of Serbia and Montenegro, was charged that on 9 August 1991 in Ravno Rašće, as a member of paramilitary formations of the so-called "SAO Krajina" Army, using the circumstances of armed rebellion, after he and Zoran Arbutina came to the house of Đuro Vučićević, shot at that house from an M-48 rifle. Then he forcefully entered the house, took Đuro Vučićević out and brought him to the Bare area near the Točak spring in the vicinity of Dernovac Banski where he fired a shot from the same rifle at Đuro Vučićević's head from a close range, causing him an injury due to which Đuro Vučićević died on the spot:

- therefore, during the armed conflict, having violated the rules of the international humanitarian law by unlawfully killing a civilian, Dragan Đokić committed a war crime against civilians punishable pursuant to Article 120 of the OKZ RH.

Zločin u Ravnom Rašću - Izvještaj s rasprava


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