Crime in Raštević

The trial against the defendant Neven Pupovac, accused of a war crime against civilians perpetrated in the village of Raštević in the period between February and August 1992, was held before the War Crime Council of the Zadar County Court. On 15 May 2006, the defendant was found guilty and non-finally sentenced to 6 years in prison.


The indictment issued by the Zadar State's Attorney's Office (hereinafter: the ŽDO) No. KT-71/97, dated 16 June 2003, was modified on 7 November 2005 in such a manner that it was separated with regard to the defendant Neven Pupovac, while on 18 May 2006 the Zadar County Deputy State's Attorney harmonised the indictment with the established facts.

Neven Pupovac was charged that, in the period between February and August 1992 in Raštević, as a member of rebel Serbs' paramilitary formations, having breached the rules of international law at the time of armed conflict, performed violent acts against civilians, thus he intimidated Danica Šopić, inhumanely treated her, afflicted serious injuries on her and destroyed her property. 


Before the War Crime Council of the Zadar County Court comprising: Judge Enka Moković (Council President), Judge Ante Anić (Council member) and Judge Boris Babić (Council member), the prosecution is represented by Slobodan Denon - the Zadar County Deputy State's Attorney.

We did not monitor this case.


On 19 May 2006, at 11:30 hours, the War Crime Council of the Zadar County Court published a verdict in which the defendant Neven Pupovac was found guilty of a war crime against civilians and sentenced to 6 years in prison.

On 7 March 2007, the Supreme Court of the RoC rejected the appeal lodged by Neven Pupovac as ill-founded and upheld the first instance verdict by the Zadar County Court.


We did not monitor the criminal procedure against the defendant Neven Pupovac except for one day of the main hearing. Thus we did not analyse the trial.

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