Crime in Erdut (Zoran Vučićević)

Criminal proceeding against Zoran Vučićević charged for a war crime against the civilian population referred to in Article 120 paragraph 1 OKZ RH.


In the indictment it is alleged that Zoran Vučićević on the 22 November 1991 as a member of the police Erdut under the command of Bože Bolića personally tortured and inhumanely treated the civilian population, specifically the married couple Aljmaša. Therefore, Zoran Vučićević breached Article 3, 12, 27 and 32 of the Geneva Convention for protection of civilian persons in time of war from 12 August 1949 and breached Article 75 of the Additional Protocol of the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts (Protocol 1). The accused followed the orders by the Commander of the police Bože Bolić, and during the examination that took place in the building of the police, Zoran Vučićević tortured the victim by hitting him hardly approximately 30 times with a baseball bat, and after the Commander ordered, the accused undressed the victim and squeezed his testicles with a nutcracker. Later the wife of the victim was also brought to the same room where the accused hit her six times with a baseball bat. By doing the above-mentioned acts the accused committed a crime against the civilian population and international law under Article 120, paragraph 1 OKZ RH.


Osijek County Court

Case File Number: 4-K-rz-4/2015-40

War Crimes Council (the Panel): Darko Krušlin- Judge President of the Council, Mario Kovač -Judge, Ante Kvesić- Judge

Indictment: Issued by County State Attorney, Number: K-DO-27/13 dated 18 December 2014

Prosecution: Zlatko Bučević Deputy ŽDO in Osijek

Criminal offence: war crime against civil population under Article 120, paragraph 1 OKZRH

Defendant: Zoran Vučićević (in absence)

Defense: Dubravko Marijanović (attorney at law from Osijek)

Victims: Viktorija Madajček i Zvonko Madajček (witnesses)

Zločin u Erdutu- opći podaci

Izvještaj s rasprave 9. prosinca 2015

Presuda Vrhovnog suda RH od 04.05.2020.


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