Conference 'Civilian War Victims in Croatia. Right to Legal Remedy and Reparation'


Conference 'Civilian War Victims in Croatia. Right to Legal Remedy and Reparation'

The conference Civilian War Victims in Croatia. Right to Legal Remedy and Reparation was held at the Journalist House in Zagreb on Friday Nov 9. The conference was opened by Vesna Teršelič and Ivo Josipović, the President of Croatia who stressed out that financial demands towards civilian war victims having obligation of paying high litigation costs are third round of victimization. More, he has pointed out that reparation system is at least financial matter and that there is a need of respectful relationship towards victims.

Discussion on rights and needs of civilian war victims was lead among Milena Horvat from Ministry of Defenders, Nada Bodiroga from Association SUZA (engl. Tear), Dijana Pleština who manages Governmental Office for Demining, Jovica Brkić from Association Pravda (engl. Justice), Marijana Senjak working at the Croatian Employment Agency and Nurija Sefić from Association of Civilian Workers Victims during the Homeland War.

The conference has gathered representatives of governmental institutions, international organizations, different institutions, civil society organizations, lawyers and the media.

At the conference, Documenta has presented policy report Civilian War Victims in Croatia. Right to Legal Remedy and Reparation and the media campaign The victims have waited too long.

Civilne žrtve rata u Hrvatskoj - Istraživački izvještaj


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