Belated prosecution of war crimes in Grubori - the case of Igor Beneta


Belated prosecution of war crimes in Grubori - the case of Igor Beneta

Documenta - Centre for Dealing with the past, Civic Committee for Human Rights and the Center for Peace Studies, held a press conference regarding doubts about the cause of death of Igor Benneta, a former Special Forces Anti-Terrorist Unit Lučko member, accused of war crimes in Grubori.

Vesna Teršelič warned there is no a final judgment for war crimes against civilians during and after the military operation "Storm"

"Many have thought that the closure of an internal investigation by the police in the case of Bennett all resolved, but the State Attorney's Office should now conduct its own investigation," warns Sandra Benčić from the Center for Peace Studies, recalling how the police and State Attorney's Office shall apply the provisions of Article 2 European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as this forms part of the positive and regulations of Croatia.

Konferencija za tisak - slučaj Beneta

Tags: documenta goljp cms war crime grubori igor beneta police

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