AHMIĆI - 48 hours of ashes and blood / SENSE - Transitional justice center


AHMIĆI - 48 hours of ashes and blood / SENSE - Transitional justice center

On the 26th anniversary of the massacre of Bosniaks in the village of Ahmici, SENSE – Transitional justice center published online its latest interactive narrative tracing the investigation, reconstruction and prosecution of the crime committed by the Croatian Defence Council (HVO) forces in the Lasva Valley on April 16, 1993.

Relying on the facts established during the trials before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), witnesses' testimonies,documents etc., the narrative called ''48 hours of ashes and blood“, after the code-name for the attack, explains the context of the crime, its progress, discovery, trials and the admission of guilt by some perpetrators.

The segment of the narrative showing the testimonies of the survivors from Ahmići describing how their family members were killed before their own eyes has been immensely moving.


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