23 years after the post-Operation Storm crimes in Komić and Poljice, villages in the former Korenica County, the investigation is still ongoing!


 23 years after the post-Operation Storm crimes in Komić and Poljice, villages in the former Korenica County, the investigation is still ongoing!

Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past would like to invite you to a press conference taking place tomorrow, August 3, 2018, at the Human Rights House Zagreb, Selska Cesta 112c, at 10 AM on the occasion of the upcoming anniversary of the Operation Storm and making a request to access the information of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia and the State’s Attorney Office of the Republic of Croatia concerning the actions taken in relation to the casualties in the villages of Komić and Poljice on August 12, 1995.

Even though said casualties of the former Korenica County were reported to the police immediately after the crimes were committed, “the investigation is still ongoing.”

In this particular case, members of the Croatian Army (HV) entered the abandoned villages where few local residents remained, most of them elderly and disabled, and killed victims either with firearms or by burning down their houses.

Speaking at the conference will be Vesna Teršelič, the director of Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past, and Drago Pilsel, a journalist and a former activist of the Croatian Helsinski Committee for Human Rights (HHO).

Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past

Zločin u selu Komić i Poljice / Dopis MUP-u i DORH-u


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