Crime in Ernestinovo

Milan Stojisavljević, member of a Serbian paramilitary group, was prosecuted on indictment by the County Attorney′s Office in Osijek as of 19th November 2003, modified under the report as of 15th July 2004, for the criminal act of war crime against civilians, Article 120, Paragraph 1, of the Croatian Criminal Justice Act.

The retrial No. K-14/05 was started before the War Crimes Council of the County Court in Osijek on 23rd May 2005.

At the hearing held on 15th June 2005, after the evidence procedure and final speech, the President of the Council closed the main hearing. On 17th June 2005 the sentence was pronounced, under which the defendant was found guilty and sentenced to a six year term of imprisonment.

The defendant was remanded in custody until the final sentence. 
The Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia confirmed the sentence passed by the County Court in Osijek: Milan Sojisavljević was found guilty and sentenced to a six year term of imprisonment.


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